Publications using EDB data

This page lists some recent papers based on data supplied by the EURING databank. The list is currently incomplete and will be entered in due course. If you are aware of papers based on EDB data that are not included here please send full bibliographic details to Chris du Feu, the EURING databank co-ordinator by email.

We cordially thank Antonia Albrecht (Germany) for help with literature search.

Last updated:


Bea, A., Olano, I., Švazas, S., Henry, J., Yanenko, V., Grishanov, G. 2023 The Black Sea–Eastern Mediterranean flyway of the globally threatened European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur) Turkish Journal of Zoology 47: 48-52
Borràs, A., Cabrera, J., Cabrera, T., Colomé, X., Senar, J.C. 2023 Longevity records of citril fnches Carduelis citrinella: analysing 43 years of continuous ringing Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 21(2023): 49–54 Online version
Brides, K., Thorstensen, S., Einarsson, O., Boiko, D., Petersen, Æ., Auhage, S.N.V., McElwaine, G., Degen, A. et al. 2023 Interchange of individuals between two Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus populations, and its effect on population size estimates Ringing & Migration Online version
Cimiotti, D.S., Cimiotti, D.V., Hotker, H., Garthe S. 2023 Ringing, tracking and counting data reveal five wintering patterns in European Common Shelducks Ibis 2023 Online version
Cimiotti, D.V., Eberhart-Hertel, L. E., Audevard, A., Salas, P. J.G., Gelinaud, G., Günther, K., Rocha, A., Schulz, R., van der Winden, J., Schmaljohann, H., Küpper, C. 2023 Dispersal in Kentish Plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus): adult females perform furthest movements Journal of Ornithology Online version
Peter, A., Wong, J.B., Hahn, S., Krištín, A. 2023 Non-breeding sites, loop migration and flight activity patterns over the annual cycle in the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor from a north-western edge of its range Journal of Ornithology Online version
Raz, T., Kiat Y., Kardynal, K.J., Aharon-Rotman, Y., Perlman, G., Hobson, K.A., Iwamura, T. 2023 Stopover‑site feather isotopes uncover African non‑breeding grounds of migratory passerines Journal of Ornithology Online version


Frederiksen, M., Pedersen, K.T., Lehikoinen, P., Thorup, K., Madsen, J.J., Fransson, T., Kaisel, K., Mjøs, A.T., Herrmann, C., van der Jeugd, H. & Robinson, R.A. 2022 Oversigt over ringmærknings- og genfundsdata for ederfugl i Østersø/Nordsøområdet Report. TemaNord 2022:501 View online
Schumm, Y.R., Masello, J.F., Cohou, V., Mourguiart, P., Metzger, B., Rösner, S.& Quillfeldt, P. 2022 Should I stay or should I fly? Migration phenology, individual-based migration decision and seasonal changes in foraging behaviour of Common Woodpigeons The Science of Nature 109: 44 Online version
Spina, F., Baillie, S.R., Bairlein, F., Fiedler, W. & Thorup, K. (Eds) 2022 The Eurasian African Bird Migration Atlas EURING/CMS Online version
Tapia-Harris, C., Izang, A. & Cresswell, W. 2022 Migratory routes, breeding locations and multiple non-breeding sites of Common Whitethroats Curruca communis revealed by geolocators PLoS ONE 17(9): e0274017 Online version
van der Spek, V. 2022 Movements of migratory passerines between Europe and Asia British Birds 115(6): 309–⁠323 Online version
Wong, J.B., Turon, F., Fernandez-Tizon, M. & Hahn, S. 2022 First insights into migration routes and nonbreeding sites used by Red‑rumped Swallows (Cecropis daurica rufula) breeding in the Iberian Peninsula Journal of Ornithology Online version
Wynn, J., Padget, O., Mouritsen, H., Morford, J., Jaggers, P. & Guilford, T. 2022 Magnetic stop signs signal a European songbird’s arrival at the breeding site after migration Science 375: 6579 Online version


Bautista, L.M. & Alonso, J.C. 2021 What do we know about survival of Common cranes? An elementary introduction with Euring databank. Proceedings of the 9th European Crane 2018 Conference. Online version
Fandos, G., Talluto, M., Fiedler, W., Robinson, R.A., Thorup, K., Zurell, D. 2021 Standardised empirical dispersal kernels emphasise the pervasiveness of long-distance dispersal in European birds bioRxiv View online
Hahn, S. & Schulze, M. 2021 Zugwege und Zugstrategien Europäischer Bienenfresser Merops apiaster der Westpaläarktis Vogelwarte 59: 215-222 Online version
Raine, A.F., Hirschfeld, A., Attard, G.M., Scott, L., Ramadan-Jaradi, G., Serhal, A. & Driskill, S. 2021 The international dimension of illegal bird hunting in Lebanon Sandgrouse 43 Online version
Xia, C. & Møller A.P. 2021 Linking the maximum reported life span to the aging rate in wild birds. Ecology and Evolution 11: 5682-5689. View online


Collier, M.P., Courtens, W., Van Daele, T., Verschelde, P., Stienen, E.W.M. & Fijn, R.C. 2020 Survival rates of birds for use in population models. Analysis of Ringing Data Bureau Waardenburg Report 19- 194. Bureau Waardenburg, Culemborg. Online version
Dunning, J., Finch, T., Davison, A. & Durrant, K.L. 2020 Population-specific migratory strategies of Twite Linaria flavirostris in Western Europe. Ibis 162: 273-278. View online
Koleček, J., Procházka, P., Brlík, V. & Honza, M. 2020. 2020 Cross-continental test of natal philopatry and habitat-imprinting hypotheses to explain host specificity in an obligate brood parasite. Sci Nat 107, 12. View online
Monti, F. 2020 Oil Contamination of Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in the Mediterranean Sea. An Undetestimated Threat for the Species? Journal of Raptor Research 54(3): 322-325. View online
Rodríguez, A., Rodríguez, B., Montelongo, T., Garcia-Porta, J., Pipa, T., Carty, M., Danielsen, J., Nunes, J., Silva, C., Geraldes, P., Medina, F.M. & Illera, J.C. 2020 Cryptic differentiation in the Manx shearwater hinders the identification of a new endemic subspecies Journal of Avian Biology 2020: e02633 View online
Sander, M.M. & Chamberlain, D. 2020 Evidence for intraspecific phenotypic variation in songbirds along elevation gradients in central Europe. Ibis 162: 1355-1362. View online
Varriano, S., Mallon, J.M., Folta, C., Coulibaly, H., Krajcir, K.J., McClung, M.R., Fagan, W.F. & Moran, M.D. 2020 Transfer of nitrogen by migratory birds in the African-Western Eurasian Flyways. Animal Migration, vol. 7 (1): 52-57. View online


Butkauskas, D., Švažas, S., Bea, A., Prakas, P., Olano, I., 2019 Designation of flyways and genetic structure of Woodpigeon Columba palumbus in Europe and Morocco European Journal of Wildlife Research 65: 91 View online
Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R.J. 2019 The Birds of Benin and Togo. Natural History Book Service Ltd ISBN: 2-87225-008-5
Lago, P., Austad, M. & Metzger, B.J. 2019 Partial migration in the Mediterranean Storm Petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis) Marine Ornithology 47(1): 105-113
López Calderón, C., Balbontín Arenas, J., Hobson, K.A. & Møller, A.P. 2019 Age-dependent carry-over effects in a long-distance migratory bird Scientific Reports 9: 12032 View online Online version
Musitelli, F., Spina, F., Møller A.P., Rubolini, D., Bairlein, F., Baillie, S.R., Clark, J.C., Nikolov, B.P., du Feu, C., Robinson, R.A., Saino, N. & Ambrosini, R. 2019. 2019 Representing migration routes from reencounter data: a new method applied to ring recoveries of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) in Europe. Journal of Ornithology 160: 249–264. View online
Simone Santoro, Jocelyn Champagnon, Sergey Kharitonov, Leo Zwarts, Dieter Oschadleus, Manuel Mañez, Boudjéma Samraoui, Riad Nedjah, Stefano Volponi & Luis Cano-Alonso 2019 Long-distance Dispersal of the Afro-Eurasian Glossy Ibis From Ring Recoveries. Stork, Ibis and Spoonbill (SIS) Conservation, UICN Species Survival Commission Stork, Ibis and Spoonbill Specialiste Group, 2019. Online version


Knief, U. & Haupt, M. 2018 Ansiedlung von Brandseeschwalben Thalasseus sandvicensis aus dem Mittelmeer auf Hallig Norderoog Corax 23: 480-487
Lugg, K., Bakken, V., & Lislevand, T. 2018 A quantitative ring recovery analysis of migration in European Water Rails Rallus aquaticus. Ornis Norvegica, 41, 19-24. View online
Tøttrup, A.P, Pedersen, L. & Kasper Thorup, K. 2018 Autumn migration and wintering site of a wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix breeding in Denmark identified using geolocation Animal Biotelemetry 6: 15 View online Online version


Dowsett, R.J. 2017 Another probable record of South Polar Skua Stercorarius maccormicki in West Africa, the first from Togo Bulletin ABC 24 (2): 217-218
Gailly, P. & Pansaers, D. 2017 Observation d’un Pouillot de Schwarz Phylloscopus schwarzi en Région bruxelloise. Phénologie et distribution spatiale du passage migratoire de l’espèce en Europe Aves 54(2): 73-90
Procházka, P.; Hahn, S.; Rolland, S.; van der Jeugd, H.; Csörgő, T.; Jiguet, F.; Mokwa, T.; Liechti, F.; Vangeluwe, D.; Korner-Nievergelt, F.; Strubbe, D. 2017 Delineating large-scale migratory connectivity of reed warblers using integrated multistate models Diversity and Distributions 23(1): 27-40 View online Online version
Studler, D. 2017 Dispersion des Waldkauzes Distanzen und Richtungen dispersierender Waldkäuze (Strix aluco) in Europa von 1910 bis 2015 MA Thesis. Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen


Ambrosini, R., Javier Cuervo, J., du Feu, C., Fiedler, W., Musitelli, F., Rubolini, D., Sicurella, B., Spina, F., Saino, N. & Pape Møller, A. 2016 Migratory connectivity and effects of winter temperatures on migratory behaviour of the European robin Erithacus rubecula: a continent-wide analysis Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 749-760. View online
du Feu, C.R., Clark, J.A., Schaub, M., Fiedler, W. & Baillie, S.R. 2016 The EURING Data Bank – a critical tool for continental-scale studies of marked birds Ringing & Migration 31:1-18 View online
Finch, T., Dunning, J., Kiss, O., Račinskis, E.,Schwartz, T., Sniauksta, L., Szekeres, O., Tokody, B., Franco, A. & Butler, S.J. 2016 Insights into the migration of the European Roller from ring recoveries Journal of Ornithology 158: 83-90. View online
Martín, B.; Onrubia, A.; Ferrer, M. 2016 Migration timing responses to climate change differ between adult and juvenile white storks across Western Europe Climate Research 69(1): 9-23 View online Online version
Ramos, R.; Song, G.; Navarro, J.; Zhang, R.; Symes, C. T.; Forero, M. G.; Lei, F. 2016 Population genetic structure and long-distance dispersal of a recently expanding migratory bird Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99: 194-203 View online Online version
Souchay, G. & Schaub, M. 2016 Investigating Rates of Hunting and Survival in Declining European Lapwing Populations PLoS ONE 11: e0163850 View online


Senar, J.C., Kew, J. & Kew, A. 2015 Do Siskins have friends? An analysis of movements of Siskins in groups based on EURING recoveries Bird Study 62: 566-568. View online


Ambrosini, R., Borgoni, R., Rubolini, D., Sicurella, B., Fiedler, W., Bairlein, F., Baillie, S.R., Robinson, R. A., Clark, J.A., Spina, F. & Saino, N. 2014 Modelling the progression of bird migration with conditional autoregressive models applied to ringing data PLoS ONE, 9:e102440 View online
Andueza, M., Barba, E., Arroyo, J.L., Feliu, J., Greno, J.L., Jubete, F., Lozano, L., Monros, J.S., Moreno-Opo, R., Neto, M., Onrubia, A., Tenreiro, P., Valkenburg, T., Zumalacarregui, C., Gonzalez, C., Herrero, A. & Arizaga, J. 2014 Connectivity in Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus between breeding grounds in Europe and autumn stopover sites in Iberia. Ardea 101:133-140. View online
Baylis, S.M, de Lisle, M. & Hauber, M.E. 2014 Inferring maximum lifespan from maximum recorded longevity in the wild carries substantial risk of estimation bias. Ecography View online
Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Dowsett, R.J. 2014 The Birds of Ghana. Tauraco Press. ISBN: 978-2872250073
Martin, B., Onrubia, A., & Ferrer, M. 2014 Effects of climate change on the migratory behavior of the common buzzard Buteo buteo Climate Research 60: 187-197 View online
Tellería, J.L. 2014 Has the number of European Robins Erithacus rubecula wintering in Spain decreased? Ardeola 61(2), 2014, 389-391 View online
Tellería, J.L. 2014 The decline of a peripheral population of the European robin, Erithacus rubecula. Journal of Avian Biology 45: 001–008, 2014. View online
Tellería, J.L., Fernández-López, J. & Fandos G. 2014 Using ring records and field surveys to predict the winter distribution of a migratory passerine. Bird Study. View online
Tellería, J.L., Ramírez, Á. & Aguirre, J.I. 2014 Are European birds leaving traditional wintering grounds in the Mediterranean? Avian Biology 000: 001–007, 2014. View online


Amano, T., Sutherland, W.J. 2013 Four barriers to the global understanding of biodiversity conservation: wealth, language, geographical location and security. Proc R Soc B 280:20122649. View online
Arizaga, J. & Tamayo, I. 2013 Connectivity patterns and key non-breeding areas of white-throated bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) European populations. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 36: 69-78. Online version
Coleman, C.E. 2013 Are European Herring Gull Larus argentatus movement patterns changing in relation to anthropogenic activities? MSc in Ornithology, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Libois, R. & Libois, F. 2013 Causes de mortalités et survie du Martin-pêcheur Alcedo atthis en Europe. Aves 50/2: 65-79.
Panuccio, M., Mellone, U. & Muner, L. 2013 Differential wintering area selection in Eurasian Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus: a ringing recoveries analysis. Bird Study. View online
Procházka, P., Van Wilgenburg, S.L., Neto, N.J., Yosef, R. & Hobson, K.A. 2013 Using stable hydrogen isotopes (d²H) and ringing recoveries to trace natal origins in a Eurasian passerine with a migratory divde. Journal of Avian Biology 44: 001-010. View online
Senar, J.C., Mateos-Gonzalez, F., Uribe, F. & Arroyo, L. 2013 Familiarity adds to attractiveness in matters of siskin mate choice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B View online
Tománková, I., Reid, N., Enlander, I. & Fox, A.D. 2013 Ringing and recovery data prove poor at detecting migratory short-stopping of diving ducks associated with climate change throughout Europe. Ringing & Migration, 28:1, 30-38. View online
van der Elst, D. & Beckers, A. 2013 D'où viennent les Pies-grièches Grises Lanius excubitor observées en migration et en hivernage en Wallonie? Aves 50:2, 103-112.
Viana, D.S., Santamaria, L., Michot, T.C. & Figuerola, J. 2013 Allometric Scaling of Long-Distance Seed Dispersal by Migratory Birds. The American Naturalist, 181:5 649-662.


Viana, D.S., Santamaria, L., Michot, T.C. & Figuerola, J. 2012 Migratory strategies of waterbirds shape the continental-scale dispersal of aquatic organisms. Ecography 35: 001-009. View online
Bijlsma, R.G., Vermeulen, M., Hemerik, L. & Klok, C. 2012 Demography of European Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus. Ardea 100:163-177. View online
Dobson, A.D.M, Clarke, M., Kjellen, N. & Clarke, R. 2012 The size and migratory origins of the population of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus wintering in England. Bird Study. View online
Duijns, S., Jukema, J., Spaans, B., van Horssen, P. & Piersma, T. 2012 Revisiting the proposed leap-frog migration of Bar-tailed Godwits along the East-Atlantic Flyway. Ardea 100: 37-43.
Korner-Nievergelt, F., Jenni. L., Tøttrup, A.P. & Gilberto Pasinelli, G. 2012 Departure directions, migratory timing and non-breeding distribution of the Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio: do ring re-encounters and light-based geolocator data tell the same story? Ringing & Migration 27:2, 83-93.
Matrai, N., Gyuracz, J., Lenczl, M., Hoffmann, G., Bakonyi, G. & Matics, R. 2012 Philopatry analysis of the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) based on ringing data in Europe. Biologia 67: 596-601. View online
Rodriguez-Teijeiro, J.D., Sardà-Palomera, F. & Puigcerver, M. 2012 Post-breeding movements and migration patterns of western populations of common quail (Coturnix coturnix): from knowledge to hunting management Animal Biodiversity and Conversation 35: 333-342 Online version
Verkuill, Y.I., Piersma, T., Jukema., J., Hooijmeijeri, J. C. E. W., Zwarts, L. & Baker, A.J. 2012 The interplay between habitat availability and population differentiation: a case study on genetic and morphological structure in an inland wader (Charadriiformes). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106, 641-656.


Ambrosini, R., Rubolini, D., Anders, A.P., Bani, L., Clark, J., Karcza, Z., Vangeluwe, D., du Feu, C., Spina, F. & Saino, N. 2011 Climate change and the long-term northward shift in the African wintering range of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica. Climate Research 49: 131–141. View online
Calladine, J., du Feu, C.R., du Feu, R. 2011 Changing migration patterns of the Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus in Europe: an analysis of ringing recoveries. Journal of Ornithology. View online
Guzmán, J., Ferrand, Y. & Arroyo, B. 2011 Origin and migration of woodcock Scolopax rusticola wintering in Spain. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 57: 647-655. View online
Korner-Nievergelt, F., Liechti, F. & Hahn, S. 2011 Migratory connectivity derived from sparse ring reencounter data with unknown numbers of ringed bird. Journal of Ornithology View online
Kylin, H., Bouwman, H. & Bouwman, L.M. 2011 Distributions of the subspecies of Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus in sub-Saharan Africa. Bird Study, 58: 2, 186-192
Libois, R. 2011 Migration et déplacements du martin-pêcheur Alcedo atthis en Europe. Aves, 48: 2, 65-86.
Martinez, Benitez, F. 2011 Numenius arquata species account in Atles dels ocells de Catalunya a l'hivern (The atlas of the birds of Catalonia during winter) Institut Català d'Ornitologia.
Tinlin, T. 2011 To what extent are thrushes irruptive? A comparison of Turdus spp. breeding in northern Europe using several variables which distinguish irruptive from regular migrants. MSc in Ornithology, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Walther, B. A., van Niekerk, A. & Rahbek, C. 2011 Long-term population declines of Palearctic passerine migrant birds: a signal from the Sahel? In: BOU Proceedings – The Ecology and Conservation of Migratory Birds.


Both, C. 2010 Flexibility of timing of avian migration to climate change masked by environmental constraints en route. Current Biology 20: 243-248 View online
Both, C. 2010 Why migrants fail to adapt to climate change: phenotypic plasticity masked by environmental constraints. Journal of Current Biology.
Granter, A., Wille, M., Robertson, G.J., Whitney, H., Ojkic, D. & Lang, A.S. 2010 Reassortment of American and Eurasian genes in an influenza A virus from a Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus, a species demonstrated to move between these regions. Archives of Virology, 156: 107-115. View online
Halmos, G., Karcza, Z., Nemeth, A. & Csorgo, T. 2010 The migratory fattening of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica in Hungary. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56: 73-87. Online version
Herrando, S., Brotons, L., Estrada, J., Guallar, S & Anton, A. (eds.) 2010 Atles dels ocells de Catalunya a l'hivern 2006-2009. Lynx edicions/Institut Català d'Ornitologia. Barcelona.
Procházka, P., Stokke, B.G., Jensen, H., Fainová, D., Bellinvia, E., Frode Fossøy, F., Vikan, J.R., Bryja. J. & Soler, M. 2010 Low genetic differentiation among reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus populations across Europe. Journal of Avian Biology, 42: 103-113.
Sauter, A., Korner-Nievergelt, F. & Jenni, L. 2010 Evidence of climate change effects on within-winter movements of European Mallards Anas platyrhynchos. Ibis 152: 600-609. View online
Walther, B.A., van Niekerk, A., Thuiller, W., Baumann, S., Dean, W.R.J., de Bruijn, B., Gutteridge, K., Jones, P.J., Nikolaus, G., Pearson, D.J., Robinson, S.P., Salewski, V., Schäffer, N., Taylor, P.B., Tushabe, H., Williams, P.H. & Rahbek, C. 2010 A database of Western Palearctic birds migrating within Africa to guide conservation decisions. pp. 50–104. In: Harebottle, D.M., Craig, A.J.F.K., Anderson, M.D., Rakotomanana, H. & Muchai, M. (eds.). Proceedings of the 12th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, 2008. Cape Town, Animal Demography Unit. ISBN: 978-0-7992-2361-3


Dobson, A. 2009 Ecology of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus: Taxonomy, non-breeding season behaviour and distribution in southern Britain. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
Fasola, M., Rubolini, D., Merli, E., Boncompagni, E. & Bressan, U. 2009 Long-term trends of heron and egret populations in Italy, and the effects of climate, human-induced mortality, and habitat on population dynamics. Population Ecology, 52: 59-72. View online
Globig, A., Staubach, C., Beer, M., Köppen, U., Fiedler, W., Nieburg, M., Wilking, H., Starick, E., Teifke, J.P., Werner, O., Unger, F., Grund, C., Wolf, C., Roost, H., Feldhusen, F., Conraths, F.J. , Mettenleiter, T.C. & Harder, T.C. 2009 Epidemiological and Ornithological Aspects of Outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 of Asian Lineage in Wild Birds in Germany, 2006 and 2007. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 56: 57-72.
Keller, I., Korner-Nievergelt, F. & Jenni, L. 2009 Within-winter movements: a common phenomenon in the Common Pochard Aythya ferina. Journal of Ornithology, 150: 483-494. View online
Liker, A. & Nagy, L. 2009 Migration of Mallards Anas platyrhynchos in Hungary: migration phenology, the origin of migrants, and long-term changes. Ringing and Migration (2009). 24: 259-265.
Mason, P. & Allsop, J. 2009 The Golden Oriole. T & AD Poyser. ISBN: 13 9780713676839
Méro, T.O., Kralj, J., Matrai, N. & Zuljevic, A. 2009 The importance of the Adriatic Flyway for the Great Reed Warbler. Poster.
Rodríguez, A., Negro, J.J., Bustamante, J., Fox, J.W. & Afanasyev, V. 2009 Geolocators map the wintering grounds of threatened Lesser Kestrels in Africa. Diversity and Distributions, (2009) 15: 1010-1016.
Zwarts, L., Bijlsma, R.G., van der Kamp, J. & Wymenga, E. 2009 Living on the edge: Wetlands and birds in a changing Sahel. KNNV Publishing. ISBN: 978-90-5011-280-2


Dowsett R.J.; Aspinwall D.R.; Dowsett-Lemaire F. 2008 The Birds of Zambia. An Atlas and Handbook. Tauraco & Aves ISBN: 978-2872250059
