Data format for EuroCES

Ananlyses combining data across schemes are greatly facilitated by having a shared data format, and the cesr package relies on this to raed in data correctly. This page details the format necessary.

Files should be supplied as comma-separated plain text files with all data for the scheme in one file; the first row should be column identifiers using the field names listed below. Although including all data in a single creates much duplication, discussion indicated that a single file was easier to prepare and submit. Schemes should submit an annually updated copy of the whole file (which might include corrections for previous years if these come to light). All captures (especially recaptures between visists or years) in the standard CES nets should be included even if they include missing data (eg birds that are unaged, Euring age-code 0 or 2); birds not caught in the CES Nets should be excluded, even if they are caught on the same visit. Fields normally follow specifications in the Euring Exchange Code 2000+. In the following, fields identified in bold italics are mandatory, fields in plain type are optional.

FIELD Specification Notes
Country Identifier Character (3) Euring scheme code (e.g. GBT, NLA) of the CES Scheme - should be the same for all records, scheme of the individual rings is coded separately
Site Identifier Character (6) Unique code, ideally no more than 6 characters, to identify each site. If management, operation or character of the site changes substantially (scheme to decide this) the site should be allocated a new identifier
Site Coordinates Character (15) Quadrant (+/- for N/S and E/W respectively) followed by latitude then longitude in degrees, minutes and seconds (all 2 digits, except longitude degrees which should be 3 digits) e.g. Thetford, England is 52°25’26” N 0°45’7” E and would be coded as +522526+0004507 (note the three zeroes in the middle)
Habitat Type Character (2) Coded as WS: wet scrub; DS: dry scrub; WD: woodland; RB: reedbed; GN: Garden; FA: Farmland. Additional codes to be agreed if necessary
Visit Period Numeric Sequential identifier within year, a number between 1 and 12 (less for schemes with <12 visits per year).
Day Numeric Day of month, a number 1-31, leading zero unnecessary
Month Numeric Month in year, a number 1-12, leading zero unnecessary
Year Numeric Year, in 4 digit format (e.g. 1983, 2018)
Total Net Length Numeric Total length of standard nets (in metres) operated on that visit, in general this should be the same across visits
Visit Start Time Numeric Local time following 24 hour clock, e.g. 6am as 0600
Visit End Time Numeric Local time following 24 hour clock, e.g. 11am as 1100
Ringing Scheme Character (3) Scheme identifier of ring, in case of foreign controls
Ring Number Character (10)  
Species Numeric Euring 5 digit code, include all 5 digits (i.e. include final 0)
Sex Character (1) Euring sex code: M(ale), F(emale), U(nknown)
Age Numeric Euring age code. Normally a number 2 through 6
Brood Patch Score Character (1) Preferably a number 0 through 5; although not mandatory, this should be recorded if possible. Codes: 0: Absent; 1 Starting;2 Well-defined, muscle still visible;3 Skin of belly opaque with broad wrinkles;4 Skin of belly has thin wrinkles, but muscle visible again;5 Feathering over; P: Present
Moult State Character (1) Single letter code: J: Wholly Juvenile plumage; P: Active post-juvenile body moult; M: Active wing/tail moult; N: New plumage following recent complete moult; O Old plumage before moult begins
Wing Length Numeric Flattened, maximum chord in millimeters
Body Mass Numeric in grammes, preferably to nearest 0.1g, and include the decimal point (e.g. 10.6). If recorded next field must also be present.
Time of Weighing Numeric Time of weighing (not capture) to at least the nearest hour, record as four digits (e.g. 0700)
Length P3 Numeric Length of third primary (counted from the outside of wing) in millimeters.
Fat Score Numeric Follow ESF guidelines


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