Euring Species index page
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Osprey - Pandion haliaetus ( 3010 )
Numbers of Euring ringing recoveries

This page contains a summary of the ringing recoveries held on the Euring Data Bank.

Recoveries by Decade

Time period Records
on dead
on live
<1940 9 0
1940-1949 49 3
1950-1959 549 12
1960-1969 442 10
1970-1979 386 17
1980-1989 467 35
1990-1999 505 319
>2000 126 503

Recoveries by Scheme

Scheme Country Scheme Name Number of
dead recoveries
Duration Number of
live recoveries
DEH Germany Hiddensee (DEH) 234 1.88 791 3.63
SVG Sweden Göteborg 172 2.89 . .
SVR Sweden Stockholm Museum before 1960 489 3.15 . .
SVS Sweden Stockholm Museum 1369 3.06 . .

All schemes with > 500 records are listed. If there are less than 3 schemes
with at least 500 records, all schemes with at least 100 records are listed.

Maps of recovery locations
Note that some records presented on this map may not be currently available
from the EDB and some newly received records are not yet shown.

  Records on dead recoveries Records on live recaptures/sightings
Where they were ringed (click map to view)
Where they were found (click map to view)

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This index should be cited as:
van Noordwijk, A.J., Spina, F., Baillie, S.R., Downie, I., Ferri, A., Marangoni, L. and Wassenaar, R. (2004) EURING Data Bank geographical index. (
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