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Numbers of Euring ringing recoveries

This page contains a summary of the ringing recoveries held in the EURING Data Bank. The contents of the EURING Data Bank may change, mostly as a result of recent data from ringing schemes. Numbers of records currently held may be slightly different from those quoted here.

Recoveries by Decade

Time period Records of dead
Records of live
<1940 30 3
1940-1949 10 .
1950-1959 137 30
1960-1969 552 66
1970-1979 608 84
1980-1989 347 60
1990-1999 329 69
2000-2009 132 113
2010-2019 8 8
  2,153 433

All schemes for which there is at least one recovery are listed.

Recoveries by Scheme

Country Scheme Scheme Name Number of dead
Number of live
Belgium BLB Bruxelles or Brussels 33 2
Denmark DKC Copenhagen 155 93
Denmark DKK Kalø 21 2
Denmark DKO Odense 1 .
Finland SFH Helsinki Museum 14 22
France FRP Paris 121 11
Germany DEH Hiddensee 59 51
Germany DEW Wilhelmshaven (Helgoland) 625 69
Hungary HGB Budapest . 1
Italy IAB Bologna Ozzano (BO) 7 8
Lithuania LIK Kaunas (Zool. Mus.) 2 2
Netherlands NLA Arnhem 184 30
Poland PLG Gdansk, Varsovia 7 2
Spain ESI Madrid (ICONA) 5 4
Sweden SVG Göteborg 1 .
Sweden SVJ Stockholm Jager 4 .
Sweden SVO Stockholm Ornis 20 .
Sweden SVR Stockholm Museum 9 .
Sweden SVS Stockholm Museum 91 17
Switzerland HES Sempach 9 3
UK & Ireland GBT London (British Museum, Tring, Thetford) 780 116
USSR SUM Moskwa 5 .

All schemes for which there is at least one recovery are listed.

Maps of recovery locations
Note that some records presented on this map may not be currently available from the EDB and some newly received records are not yet shown.

  Records on dead recoveries Records on live recaptures/sightings
Where they were ringed (click on map for larger view)
Where they were found (click on map for larger view)

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This index should be cited as:
du Feu, C.R., Joys, A.C., Clark, J.A., Fiedler, W., Downie, I.S., van Noordwijk, A.J., Spina, F., Wassenaar, R. & Baillie, S.R. (2009) EURING Data Bank geographical index 2009. (
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